Preventing and Curing Arthritis - The Natural Way

13th July 2008
Are you having ARTHRITIS or may know someone who has one? Perhaps if you could take a minute or 2 to read on, you may be curing yourself from the painful experience or even helping others in overcoming theirs. You got nothing to lose right and believe me, this miracle recipe has help a lot of people and you may be one of them soon.

What is ARTHRITIS anyway?

Arthritis is an illness that can cause pain and swelling in your joints. Joints are places where two bones meet such as your elbow and or knee. It's true that arthritis can be painful but there are things you can do to feel better. Today i'm going to share with you a recipe that not only going to overcome this painful experience but to prevent it as well. This recipe was handed down by a friend of my mom and since the day my parent took it and manage to overcome it, we have never look back since and from that day onwards we have been passing this recipe all around but to have this online, we could share with the world as well.

So, whats the story behind all this and why is this simple recipe having such good results?
Long time ago in the early Bible period, India and Egypt tribes already discovered JUNIPER BERRIES can provide medical cure. GIN is actually developed with JUNIPER BERRIES and other kind of crops. The doctor mentioned that even your are now taking other medicine, or your doctor reminds you not to take any alcohol, you can still take the dried raisins in GIN. The reason is because the alcohol is already evaporated and only a minimal of alcohol is left behind which will not be harmful. Even a person who do not have the habit of drinking, can still forever take this medicine that can cure or prevent arthritis.

There are successfull stories behind all this but i would not mentioned it here as there are too many but even if i manage to put one here, would you believe it anyway?
I would prefer to have it a go yourself and then you tell me how it went for you by giving your comment under this blog, or perhaps you might hear the output from somewhere else and you would like to share it with us, you can do it here as well.

Well, the ingredient or recipe is quite simple to say the least but getting the items are kinda tricky as we need to go and find it instead of thinking a way for the alternatives as other substitution might not work as well as this one would be. So, do take note on this. Below are the steps you can take:

Alexander Gordan founded the world famous Gin Distillery in London, England during 1769. Gordan Special London Dry Gin has been carefully distilled to the same recipe ever since.
It is Alexander Gordan's unique blend of juniper berries and other exotic herbs which gives Gordan's its distinctive flavour and clarity of taste
1A) Gordan's London Dry Gin
2A) Back Cover of the Bottle
1B) California Golden Seedless Raisin

Items to prepare:
1) 1x Shallow container with optional mesh cover
2) 1x Clear and Dry Container with lid
3) 1x Gordan's London Dry Gin (can be seen in the illustration - 1A)
4) 100gram California Golden Seedless Raisin (can be seen in the illustration - 1B)

1) Put a box(100g) of GOLDEN RAISINS into a shallow container

2) Pour GIN(Gordan's London Dry Gin) into the container until all raisins are immersed/covered with the GIN.

3) Covering the container is not necessary but it advisable to avoid any added 'special ingredients' into it but make sure there is enough space to let the alcohol to evaporate. Let it stay until all the liquid GIN is absorbed by the raisins (it takes around 9 days and stirring (2 stroke) once a day will quicken the absorbtion process). Do take note that if the liquid go below the raisins, pls add in somemore of the GIN to ensure that the liquid is covering all the raisins. Tips on how to make sure that all the raisins completely absorbed the GIN, just simply looking at the liquid level as after the raisins manage to absorb the amount it needed, the liquid level would not subside anymore. The raisins can be considered ready when either the raisins has finished absorbing the liquid or its already 9 days since the day you started mix the GIN with the raisins or whichever comes later.

4) Put the processed raisins into the covered container and the remaining liquid can be dispose off or to be given to friends who can drink. Bear in mind that if you are the one to consume these raisins, you are not allow to drink the disposed off liquid. Please take not on this. Anyway, if you do not like dried raisins, try to mix the raisins with salad of cereal before serving.

5) Everday, take 9 raisins, each time in the morning (before food) and at night (before going to bed) for those who want to have a faster result but for those who has lesser pain on the joints or even for those who like to take it as a precaution measure, then take it once in the morning is sufficient enough.

6) Continue taking it for few months till your pain wears off and you can stop after that but make sure you have a buffer of few months after the pain as we would want to avoid it from coming back to you.

Just to tell you guys that i'm not a doctor who should be advising all this but then again, i've already seen results, positive results coming out from all this. You can always consult yout doctor about this but at least you know that there is a recipe to overcome that pain. Please bear in mind that I would not take any responsibility for any wrong doing or negative result that might occur from this recipe as different people might have different kind of needs or even may have allergy to certain item listed above. Always consult your doctor first.

Source: Ms Lok Loe Hae and my mum

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