13th January 2011
The Most Common Recipe for Papaya Leaf Juice
Use seven medium size papaya leaves-not very old ones and not too young either.
The leaves should be wash thoroughly and partly dried. Cut them up like cabbage and put them in a source pan together with 2 liters of water.
Bring the water and leaves to the boil and simmer (without lid) until the water is reduced to half. Strain the liquid and bottle the glass containers.
a. The concentrate will keep in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days. If it becomes cloudy then it should be discarded.
b. For Kombucha brewing the concentrate is mixed together with green tea or other medicinal tea to one's need.
Kombucha fermentation conserves the properties of the papaya leaves in a natural way.
The recommended dosage in the original recipe is 50ml 3 times a day. The concentrate can also be added to other juices.
If papaya concentrate is fermented together with other teas the dosage is calculated on the proportion. For example, if 1 liter of papaya concentrate and one liter of green tea is fermented together the calculated dosage is 100ml 3 times a day.
Some people use the semi-mature(mature green) papaya fruit (with skin and seed), which is said to have the same healing effect as papaya leaves. The papaya can be processed in a kitchen blender and can be mixed with other fruits.